A Powerful Legal Tool

Could this be called a “Team Up”?

Why consolidate multiple claims into a single lawsuit when you could pursue their own case?

Call it practical, streamlined, or even better - a way to level the playing field with those corporations with expensive lawyers on the payroll. “Teaming up” is a powerful way to reclaim millions of dollars.

Let’s dig more into that…

1. Practicality

It's often found that combining these individual actions into a single lawsuit is frequently more practical for the plaintiff, the court, and the defendants involved, meaning that the courts see results and ensure that all class victims are able to receive an equitable distribution of the harm caused.

2. Streamline the Process

Class actions involve a singular set of witnesses, experts, documents, and issues, making it simpler and more cost-effective for a single law firm to manage one comprehensive case, rather than multiple firms handling multiple separate cases.

Multiple cases / plaintiffs / lawsuits over the same issue can involve different judges, courtrooms and can slow down the legal system. Early plaintiffs may successfully win and receive all of the insurance proceeds or the defendant's assets, but then leave little or no compensation for those who win their cases at a later stage. Class actions work well because they only involve a single judge and courtroom, preventing congestion in court schedules caused by duplicative cases.

3. Larger Scale Levels the Playing Field

Increased scale can help level the playing field. How? Corporations are facing many claims now, meaning there is an increased likelihood of settling the case and also incentivizing genuine change in its conduct to avoid this in the future. But why does this level the playing field? Oftentimes it would be hard to make a case for damages that wouldn’t be worth the expense to pursue separately - but together the scales tip. Here’s an example:

A bank might be charging illegal fees of $20 to $100 dollars to millions of customers. Because the damages are so small, it wouldn't be worth the time, effort, and expense for a lawyer to bring a $100 lawsuit for each and every customer. BUT, one class-action case claiming several hundred million dollars on behalf of millions of Americans is worth the time of the class members, lawyers and the court system.

Now What?

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