✈️ Paging Airline Passengers

Major Airlines accused of teaming up to inflate ticket prices. Here’s what you need to know…

Paging all passengers, we’re looking at more than $60 million in settlement funds!
Major U.S. airlines have been accused of teaming up to inflate ticket prices, and Southwest Airlines and American Airlines have already settled. The original class action suit targeted the biggest names in the sky:

  • American Airlines, Inc.

  • Delta Air Lines, Inc.

  • Southwest Airlines Co.

  • United Airlines, Inc.

The Latest Scoop on the Airlines Class Action
As of May 2024, the battle is still on! United Airlines and Delta Air Lines tried to fly away from the case with a summary judgment in 2021, but the court shot them down in flames on September 12, 2023. Now, they're trying to appeal that decision. The class lawyers are fighting back, and the court is deciding whether to allow this appeal.

Settlement Funds: Hurry Up and Wait
The funds from Southwest and American Airlines are chilling in an escrow account, waiting for the final verdict on United and Delta. No payouts will happen until the case is completely resolved—either through a settlement, dismissal, or a final judgment.

Who's Out of the Loop?
The court has excluded certain folks from the American and Southwest settlement classes, including judges, court staff, law clerks, and other court personnel involved in the litigation.

What's Taking So Long?
The $60 million settlement fund from Southwest and American Airlines is on ice until United and Delta settle, get dismissed, or lose at trial. Until then, the cash stays put.

How Do I Qualify?
To be part of the domestic airline settlement, you must have:

  • Purchased air passenger services for U.S. flights.

  • Bought tickets from any of the defendants or their affiliates (including US Airways and Continental).

  • Flown between July 1, 2011, and December 20, 2017, for the Southwest settlement.

  • Flown between July 1, 2011, and June 14, 2018, for the American settlement.

What Can I Get?
Southwest Airlines has coughed up $15 million, and American Airlines has pitched in $45 million. The exact amount each class member will receive is still up in the air. To get your piece of the pie, you'll need to file a valid claim form once the claims period opens.

How Do I File a Claim?
Hold your horses—the claims period hasn't started yet. Stay tuned for updates on when you can file and secure your share of the settlement.

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