🚗 Rideshare Rundown

TWO settlements with millions on the line for NY rideshare drivers…

Drivers, on your mark! By the end of the month, TWO hefty settlements are up for grabs for those who’ve worked the Uber or Lyft apps. Here’s the scoop on what’s at stake and why it matters:

Fun Facts:
🚖 Uber Settlement: $290 Million
🚕 Lyft Settlement: $38 Million
📅 Claim Form Deadlines: July 29, 2024
💸 Payout Amount: Varies by Driver
🧾 Proof Required: Yes, stack those papers!

What Happened?
The New York Attorney General cracked down on Uber and Lyft after a multi-year investigation. The findings? Unfair treatment of drivers, with the App Giant’s policies leading to withheld earnings and denied benefits, in violation of New York labor laws.

What Was Withheld?
You might be eligible for compensation if you drove in New York and had deductions for New York sales tax and Black Car Fund fees. For Uber, the relevant dates are November 10, 2014, to May 22, 2017. For Lyft, it’s October 11, 2015, to July 31, 2017.

New Benefits
Besides the cash, there are new perks for drivers still using the apps in New York. These include sick leave, better payment options, training, and chat support, all available since February 29, 2024. If you haven’t already, check out these benefits in the respective driver apps.

Want more details for what's available for drivers? Follow the button below for what changes are in store for drivers on each app ⤵️

Wrapping It Up
In total, $328 million is on the table, with Uber putting up $290 million and Lyft $38 million. This cash will be distributed among current and former drivers. For more details on each settlement, hit the buttons below to visit the settlement administrator's website.

Clock’s Tickin’ – You have until July 29, 2024 to file a valid claim form (for EACH), hurry and file your claim today 👇.

Spread the Word!
Not for you? Know someone who might qualify? Do them a solid and forward this email! Let’s make sure no settlement funds go unclaimed.

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