Oracle Data Privacy Settlement: $115 Million


How Do I Qualify? Check It Out👇!

What Happened?
Oracle has been caught tracking web activity, in-store purchases, geolocation, and other personal info—all without consumer consent. The company allegedly sold this data to third parties for advertising (classic move, right?).

Of course, Oracle didn’t admit any wrongdoing but did agree to a $115 million settlement to resolve the data privacy class action lawsuit.

You probably got an email about this… and it probably ended up in your junk folder (like mine did). So go check for an email titled:

It looks like this 👇

Did you reside in the United States at any point between August 19, 2018, and the present day?

What You Need to Do:
1️⃣ File a Claim (obviously!) to secure your share. Click here and get it done!
2️⃣ Deadline Alert: Make sure to file before October 17, 2024.

Other Key Details:
- No payment estimates yet—so file now and move on with your day! 
- The exact amount depends on the number of claims, fees, and other factors. 
- Oracle has also agreed to stop capturing user-generated info from referrer websites and will implement an audit program to keep its privacy promises in check.

Please Note:
Whether it’s with CAC or on your own – submitting a claim form is the only way to receive payment. Please contact for assistance in filing your Claim or if you have further questions.


Disclaimer: You can file yourself without using a claims recovery service like Class Action Connection by calling 1-888-255-4036 or visiting Claim forms are being delivered and are available online today. Class members need not sign up for a third-party service in order to participate in any monetary relief. No-cost assistance is available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. Class Action Connection can help file claims for you and address any questions and/or concerns along the way. Review this summary of this class action settlement and steps to take if you would like us to file for you.

What is the background on this settlement?

The complaint in this case alleges that Oracle tracks individuals’ online activity (e.g., web browsing) and offline activity (e.g., in-store purchases, geolocation) and combines this and other information and makes this and other derivative data available to third parties without individuals’ consent.

The Court has not ruled in favor of either Plaintiffs or the Defendant. Instead, both sides have agreed to a settlement. By agreeing to the Settlement, the parties avoid the costs and uncertainty of a trial, and if the Settlement is approved by the Court, Settlement Class Members who submit timely and valid claim forms will receive a Settlement Payment, as described in this Notice. Defendant denies all legal claims in this case. Plaintiffs and their lawyers think the proposed Settlement is best for everyone who is affected.

Who is eligible for this settlement?

All natural persons residing in the United States whose personal information, or data derived from their personal information, was acquired, captured, or otherwise collected by Oracle Advertising technologies or made available for use or sale by or through ID Graph, Data Marketplace, or any other Oracle Advertising product or service from August 19, 2018 to the date of final judgment in the Action (i.e., the present).

Excluded from the Settlement Class are: (i) Oracle; (ii) Oracle’s parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, investors, and employees; (iii) any entity in which Oracle has a controlling interest; (iv) any individual who would otherwise be included in the Settlement Class, but has agreed, in another proceeding, to release claims covered by this Settlement prior to the Claim Form deadline identified in Section 3.6 of the Settlement Agreement; and (v) any judge presiding over this case, their staff, and the members of the judge’s immediate family.

How can I participate?

We’re ready to file your claim today. Click on any of the buttons on this page to get started reclaiming what’s yours! Note that we safeguard your personal information and only use it to verify eligibility and to process payments once the settlement is paid out.

The deadline for submitting this Claim Form is October 17, 2024 at 11:59:59 P.M. PT.

How much money will I receive?

Settlement Class Members who timely file with an Approved Claim will receive a settlement payment equal to a pro rata share of the $115 million Settlement Fund that pays for: 

  1. All Settlement Payments

  2. All Settlement Administration Expenses 

  3. All Taxes and Tax Expenses 

  4. Any Service Awards to the Class Representatives, and 

  5. Any Fee Award to Class Counsel.

How do I pay CAC for their services?

There is no risk when you file through Class Action Connection – we do not charge any upfront fees for our services. When the Claims Administrator distributes settlement funds, we simply deduct a recovery fee of 20% from the settlement payment. This allows us to continue filing for more claimants in additional cases and continue spreading the good word. We appreciate your support!

Do I need to file my claim with Class Action Connection?

No, you can always file a claim on your own. If you are a Settlement Class Member, you must complete and submit a valid Claim Form in order to receive a payment. You may request a Claim Form by visiting, calling the Settlement Administrator toll free at calling 1-888-255-4036, or emailing To be valid, a Claim Form must be completed fully and accurately signed under penalty of perjury and timely submitted

You may submit a Claim Form by U.S. mail or file a Claim Form on the Settlement Website. If you send in a Claim Form by U.S. mail or file a Claim form on the Settlement Website, it must be postmarked or completed no later than October 17, 2024.

Hurry, the Deadline is Fast Approaching!

Still don’t know where to start? We’re here to help. Click the link below and let us file for you!


Payment Card Settlement: $5.54 Billion