Where have you been all my life!?

Source: GIFER

🧐 Why Haven't I Heard About Class Actions Before?

I’m gonna make the bold statement and say, that if you’re an everyday American, buying everyday products… chances are that you have been affected by AT LEAST one class action settlement.

“OK wise guy, then why haven’t I heard of all these cases?”

In reality, they probably tried. Whether it was sad post card in the mail, a website ad banner, an email that either gets delivered straight to your spam folder, OR you move it there after thinking, “there’s no way this is legit”, they haven’t been grabbing your attention. Don’t worry, you're in good company.

Many Americans are unaware of class action lawsuits and settlements that may have been affected by. Let’s dig into a number of reasons why this news may not be reaching ‘em:

1) Notification requirements
Oftentimes the courts and administrators rely on less-than-effective methods: sad postcards in the mail, emails that look like spam (or end up in your spam folder), newspaper ads, or even billboards that probably don’t reach all those affected.

2) The law doesn’t read quite like Shakespeare
We’d bet not many of you want to read through the long, complex class action lawsuit documents, sifting through brain numbing legal jargon to recover $20…🫠 (don’t worry, we’re here to take care of that for you)

3) Disproportionate media coverage
You know how in the news you’ll see the same story every hour on the hour for a week but then something that happened close to you just scrolls across the bottom. Well, this same concept applies to class actions. While some high-profile cases garner significant media attention, many others may not receive the same level of (or any) publicity. What’s the problem? Well this contributes to the overall obscurity surrounding class actions for a substantial portion of the population… and thus people don’t know to file to get what’s owed to them.

4) Email turnover is surprisingly high..?
It’s a staggering fact but it's been found that over one in three people change their email address every year for various reasons, making it difficult for class administrators to reach potential class members. Pair that with ever growing spam folders, and that’s no surprise the news isn’t getting through.

Great, so all hope is lost.

Quite the opposite! We’re on a mission to bridge the gap between these settlement cases and you, helping inform and educate as many people as possible so they can reclaim what’s theirs. Check out our next post to see the impact they could be having on your wallet.

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Can the figures really be that bad?


🐓 A Chicken-spiracy?